Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Back to ghost hunting!

Where has the year gone? I suddenly realized, with a pang of guilt, that here I had set up my blog (both to keep track of my investigations and to get in writing practice) and then rarely used it...but that, hopefully, will not be the case from here on out. My first book is finally truly out (you can now find Haunted Theaters of the Carolinas on!), and it's inspired me to really dig into the second one, as well as try to get in some more investigative work.

Actually, I've been pretty busy with various ghost-hunting-related activities this past year. I had a radio interview with Para-X radio on the net in August, another on-line interview with Innsmouth Free Press shortly after that, a TV interview with GCTV (Greensboro NC's community station) in December, and may have another on-line interview coming up soon (more info on that when/if it happens!). Plus I was able to join another ghost-hunting group on an investigation of the USS Constellation in Baltimore in October--just spending the night on an historical tall ship was a great experience, not to mention hanging out with other ghost hunters! (I didn't get much myself in the way of paranormal evidence during the course of the investigation, with the exception of an interesting sound bite--on the mid-deck, where the galley had once been, my team heard what sounded like a bunch of tin cans or metal pots being dumped on the floor. I did manage to catch that with my digital recorder, but that was unfortuantely the only thing I caught during the course of the night).

At the moment I'm deep into research for my current book, Ghosts of Greater Charlotte--it's coming slower than I would like (I've had to dump a couple of my stories for lack of reliable information), but it's getting very close. Plus I keep getting distracted by stories for a future book I'd like to write about "monsters"--I have an aunt and uncle who live in in SC not far from the home of the famous "Lizard Man," and have gotten some interesting tidbits from them. I just need to concentrate on one project at a time!

So that's the scoop at the moment! This weekend I'll be at Marscon in Williamsburg, VA, sharing a table with my friend and fellow paranormal author Pamela Kinney, and particpating in a panel on ghost investigations. Hopefully the snow will hold off!

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